Send under escort trad (了解/ 瞭解) 了 / 瞭 解World you At Unilever, you're much more than your job title Here, you can uncover the work you're most passionate about And you can put your fresh thinking into action to create real impact across the world Whether that's by making our business more sustainable, by working on one of our worldfamous brands – like Ben &There is no way to ensure zero risk of COVID19 infection for individuals in their daytoday lives The risk of an activity depends on many factors, such as level of COVID19 spread in your community, whether you or people you live with are at greater risk of serious illness because of age or preexisting health conditions, how many people are involved in the event or activity, and 多くの人が間違った使い方をしている 了解しました どう使ってる マイナビニュース 了解した 敬語